Sunday, May 14, 2006

Things about my mom...

Since it is Mother's Day, I am going to tell you a little about my mom, and some of the things that have shaped me. Now, keep in mind the my mom is only 19 years older than I, and she is also a therapist. Of course, this led to a heck of a time when I was a teen, and if she knew I was a sex blogger she would freak! But anyway, here are some thoughts about my mom....

~She is the travel agent for guilt name it, I have been there. If I did not have guilt, I probably would not be who I am today!
~My mom used to tell all of my dates in high school that she "dusts for fingerprints"~so embarrassing!
~I am thankful she sometimes would look past my coming home drunk on Saturday nights. I know she knew, she was just too tired to say anything.
~She drove 10 hours overnight the day my ex-husband moved out. We went shoe shopping all weekend and she never said a word about my being part of the reason.
~My mom says that spankings build character....that is why I have SO much character.
~Only my mom could tell when I had ditched school to go to the beach. Little did I know until years later she used to check the drain in the shower for sand.
~She made me volunteer during the holidays in soup kitchens so I would always know what it meant to have less.
~No matter how tired or busy she was, she always made us a homemade dinner and we sat around the table everynight.
~She never lets me feel sorry for myself. She always knows when to tell me to pull my head out of the sand, and she is never afraid to tell me I screwed up~even when I do not want to hear it.

So, I hope everyone else had a great Mom's Day!



Edtime Stories said...

I remember when I realized how much my mom did for me. Especially after my dad died when I was 13.

thank you for sharing with us today. Hugggggg to you

RobynB said...

Ok.. I'm misty now.

My mother is 19 years older than me, too. She says we kinda grew up together.

Our mothers sound so much alike...scary!

Hope you had a great Mother's Day!


Green Eyes said...

Sounds like you've got a great role model! Amazing what Mom's can see, isn't it?

KJ said...

Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day

The Chief said...

"Dusts for fingerprints" huh? I will have to use that when my own daughter comes of age. Less shit-stain in the pants causing than "I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to go back to prison." But I think mine is more fun for me!!