Tuesday, January 09, 2007

TMI Tuesday

Because, I am tired...because I feel disappointed tonite, and because I promised..its TMI time. Thank you KJ for letting me steal this! Enjoy...


Ten Things About You

1. I'm brunette
2. I have a toddler
3. I am afraid of birds
4. I spent over $200 on a pair of shoes 2 weeks ago because I was pissed
5. I do not know if I have ever been truly happy
6. Mental stimulation turns me on
7. I am working on a second Masters degree
8. I hate to shave
9. I am always the one that gives my heart and always get hurt
10. I know how to surf and did so almost everyday in high school

Nine Things You Love

1. Kids
2. Family
3. Friends
4. Shopping
5. Shoes
6. cheese pizza
7. SEX
8. tiramisu
9. learning new things

Eight Songs You Love

1. Love Song
2. People are People
3. She will be loved
4. Long December
5. Anarchy in the UK
6. Hey Jude
7. Reason
8. Cab

Seven Things You Wear Daily

1. Deodorant
2. Mascara
3. Shoes
4. Undies
5. Lipgloss
6. Lotion
7. Bra

Six Things That Make You Smile

1. My kiddo learning something new
2. Compliments
3. Vanilla Soy Latte
4. Mullet man at Starbucks
5. Knowing that you think about me
6. Sex

Five Things You're Looking Forward To

1. Disneyland in February!
2. The $5000.00 that a well known criminal owes me..and STILL has not paid!
3. Grey's Anatomy on Sunday
4. The new season of American Idol
5. Finishing my stats class

Four Things You're Scared Of

1. Giving too much and never getting it back in return
2. Failure
3. Drowning
4. Birds

Three Things That Annoy You

1. Chris leaving his duty weapons on our kitchen table
2. teen snowboarders who wont get the hell outta my way
3. cigarette smoke you can not escape

Two Of Your Favorite Books

1. The Gift of Fear
2. To Kill a Mockingbird

One Thing You Can't Live Without

1. Love


doxie said...

You like the Cure AND Depeche Mode AND Sex Pistols?

Awesome manifest. -nods-

Edtime Stories said...

well dear... that was quite a list. I wish I could help cure some of your hurt feelings.


RobynB said...

Wasn't this one fun... well kinda anyway.

Hugs and more hugs for you.

Anonymous said...

It's always nice to learn more about you.

You are very worthy of love babe! I hope this year brings you plenty of it.

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