Tuesday, October 17, 2006

TMI Tuesday

Woo Hoo! It is TMI Tuesday Ladies and Gents! So, I have refused to do the longest MeMe ever...I just am not that focused. So, instead I leave you with a MeMe..Andi Style. Please feel free to steal this!

1. How do you feel right now?
Like someone kicked me in the stomach, and lonely..

2. What was the best thing about your day?
Waking up to a dusting of snow! Woo Hoo...can you say snowboarding??

3. If you could name your vagina/penis, what would you name it?

4. Where did you masturbate last?
In the bathroom at work...yes, I needed to clear my mind.

5. Bath or Shower?
Depends on my time. Shower in the morning..bath when I need to relax.

6. Who was the last person you wanted to tell to "fuck off"
That would of been an attorney today who did not like my report I submitted! Dumb ass!

7. When was the last time someone flirted with you?
This morning..Mullet Man...he told me I looked "smashing and delicious"...seriously, how come I like this shit?

8. What does your future look like?
It looks like Law School...hopefully! Yep, I know. I hate lawyers..but, hell I have to do something to try and save them right? Maybe Goose and I can open a practice together..lol!

9. Who did you have lunch with today?
No one...I was totally swamped, and had to skip out on my lunch with my friend! Sorry T!

10. What did you watch on television tonight?
Nothing! There is nothing on, and I just can not get into Dancing with the Stars..serious.



Edtime Stories said...

Interesting, masturbating at work again..tsk tsk tsk......

steph said...

You can't get into watching A.C.Slater dancing? OMG that show is soooo bad! Sorry about the kicked in the stomach thing, bad day?

The Chief said...

Sorry you are feeling kicked, down and out, and lonely. I could come keep you company and then you wouldn't need the office bathroom!!

Sorry couldn't resist....

RobynB said...

Hope you're feeling better today. Kicked in the stomach and lonely is pure misery. I can relate.


KJ said...

I wanna be a Dancing with the Stars chick....but I wanna be one of the real dancers not the celebrities

tm said...

Just stopping by and waving "HI" I hope by now you are feeling better. I hate to hear that you feel lonely or kicked in the stomach.
Hoping your having better days.

RobynB said...

I'm missing you dear Andi. Hope things are well for you :)


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