Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tales from the Couch..Mongoose Style...

Sorry folks for posting this late! I had some technical issues! Anyway, check out my favorite furry little lawyer from the South..yes, I know, I always say I hate lawyers..but this little hottie changed my mind. Anyway, check out his site on my link list to the right..(G-Spot)

Enjoy the show!

Andi: Hi you sexy little furry guy! Thanks for sitting on my couch. Here is your first question. Describe yourself in one word.
Goose:Hmmm, one word is kinda difficult for me, considering that I get paid by the word...But, if I had to choose one...Complex....I am a complete anamoly...I don't pride myself on that fact, and it has made life very difficult for me, but it is true...There is no one in this world that knows everything about me...Possibly because I am always changing...I don't know.
Andi: Oh, my..I of the few I like of course. Maybe it is the hot southern accent. Okay, second question... If you were an ingredient in a salad what ingredient would you be and why?
Goose:Peppercorn...In small doses I am almost invisible to the pallat. Too much and I dominate an otherwise balanced meal...There is a perfect amount of seasoning, and exposure to the Goose that is tolerable..
Andi: Mental note to self ...dont ask Goose to pass the pepper. Next question.. Love or Lust?
Goose:Love...Lust is as attainable as the right look and the right circumstances...Love is difficult. Something that you can't just achieve, you have to constantly work on it.
Andi: Sexy answer...Okay, describe yourself as a tree.
Goose: Fabulous in the Spring, stoic in the Summer, and again changing my colors in fall...Winter is the dark period that follows the change...But every Spring I come back with the bright and colorful blossoms.
Andi: If you could watch your funeral, what would you want to hear about yourself in your eulogy?
Goose:He was good at whatever he tried...The law, music, and friendship...But most importantly, he was good at being a great Dad. His timing made him special.
Andi: And you are one sexy DILF..mmm..alright, Mountain climbing or Boating?
Goose:Mountain climbing. Challenge and success is measured with every step and stumble.
Andi: Favorite memory that you would like to share with Bloggerville?
Goose: Ooooooo, this is tough. I don't really share a whole lot that is down deep. But, I'll share a fun one. Power hour, Dave Matthews concert, and too few bathrooms makes for a funny walking Goose down the walkway at Riverbend Concert Series. Oh, and running through the streets of Atlanta after the Olympic Park Bombing was a bit exhilerating and will always stick in the back of my head.
Andi: Nice! Alright, you can read minds..what am I thinking?
Goose:Well, you can stop looking at my crotch for one. Um, you are wondering why I make things so damn difficult in my life.
Andi: Lol, well..sorry! I can not help just look so damn hot laying on the couch! Okay, three of your best qualities?
Goose:I care....I care so much it hurts sometimes...I care about my job, I care about the kids that I am a guardian for, and I care what people think...I care until, I don't care about myself.
I can't hold a grudge...If someone apologizes to me, I will always forgive them. No matter, what they have done. That might also be a terrible weakness.
I have very few legitimate fears...I don't worry about life or death. I don't fear dangerous circumstances. Most of all, I don't fear others. Life is my great big chess match.
Andi: No, wonder I dig you! A lawyer who cares...mmm..okay, Friends with Benefits or One Night Stand?
Goose:I have a weakness for getting attached. I also don't think friends with benefits EVER ends good.
Andi: Sexiest thing about women?
Goose: A brain. If a woman can carry on a conversation about politics, music, and then switch gears to talk about football, I become like putty.
Andi: Mmmm..I bet you have turned women into putty too! Okay, any last thoughts or comments?
Goose:Life is too short to assume you know those even closest to you...We all have secrets. Not all that are bad, just some they have a hard time sharing. But those are the things that compose their makeup. Besides, that Andi, you are a great friend.
Andi: Interesting thoughts...Goose, you are a great friend too. Thank you for laying on my couch and letting me pick your sexy brain!

Well, stay Tales from the Couch will be posted in the near future..and I promise my male readers a hottie MILF...(get ready for the lovely KJ).

Anyway, moving right along..tonight was the voting out of Diane on Big Brother..I still think Dr. Will should of gone..his ego makes me sick!

And lastly..OMG..Zayra did not even make the bottom 3? What the hell!! America, clean out your ears!!



Jon said...

Since he's a lawyer how can we believe anything he said?

RobynB said...

Awww... I love meh some Goosie :)

Great interview Andi!

KJ said...

Great interview!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend

Madame X said...

Hmmm so this is where it bites you in the ass, Goosey?

Green Eyes said...

Peppercorn? Good one, Goosey!

Great interview, Andi!

Kyma said...

ooh, nice interview

Unknown said...

omg, i want to be on your couch Andi!!! :)

Unknown said...

in fact, i wanna be on the couch WITH KJ and Andi. :)

tm said...

Nice Interview. Love Goose. And love whatever you write Andi.