Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Something New..ROCKSTAR Review...

Alright, I know some of you are just here for the smut! Hey, I respect that...so, go look in my archives cause tonight..is the ROCKSTAR:SuperNova review! Now, I have been doing this at Sug's place but because some of the patrons had to get naked and mess the place up the health inspector closed it down. So until then..let me get on my soap box here for a bit.

First off, there are some people that just need to GO HOME! And I am not talking about Dr. Will on Big Brother either!

Alright Zayra..I just can not stand her! Even if she gets better I still hear her murdering that Stones song from 2 weeks ago. And, please stop wearing the cat suits..you are not sexy in them..you look like a disco loser or a crackwhore on Revolution Circle in Tijuana..hell, I bet she used to do the donkey show! Mike, did she??

Dana...please send her home! Black eye make-up and Doc Martens do not make you look like a rockstar! In my opinion..she needs to be on the CMT channel trying out for country star singing. I mean you look like a Gretchen Wilson wanna be who has had a bad meth runner! Fuck! And why murder one of my fav Nirvana songs?

Word of advice..if you can not pull it off..pick someone else...NOT Nirvana!!

Jill, Gilby said it right...(he must of been sober)Your rubbing your ass on him was nasty! If you plan on being a stripper fine..but dont use it to get an extra vote from Tommy..come on! BTW, that outfit..really was nasty. Did you buy it at a yard-sale in front of a brothel...just sayin!

Phil...Bobble head..you blow and you need to eat!

Josh, I know the women swoon for you..but I felt like I was watching Nick Lachey sing a Blind Melon song! And did anyone else notice he bobbles his head too? Sort of reminds me of the Maroon5 lead singer....but not as sexy!

Alright, did anyone feel the world stop rotating? Tommy actually did not say anything that could be construed as sexual harrassment this week? Is he back on the Haldol injections? He was too calm..I am worried!

The true rockers were obvious tonight..alright, you all have been pissed cause I have been hacking Dilana but I have to FINALLY say..I think there was an exorcism..she brought it with Cindi's Time after Time...ENCORE.

Lukas, Patrice, Magni and Storm..ROCK ON. BTW, if you have not googled Storm Large I suggest you do so..I would definitely do her if I was not commited to my hottie blogger girl, Pandora.

And the Eye candy,Fuck me please, Serenade me while I blow you Award goes to.......
two hotties tonight! Ryan...oh yeah! I fucken loved you. I Alone...will masturbate to you in the shower tonight!
Oh, and Toby...Marry Me babe! Holy fuck..he is hot, and he can wail! Finally I think my heart is healing after the Chris Daughtery upset from AI. Damn, ladies he can fill out those Levis too! I included his pic for your drooling pleasure!

Alright, now that my ears are bleeding and my panties are moist I must go take care of business *wink* Please discuss among yourselves. Stay tuned for a special HNT and the first installment of Tales from the Couch!


PS~Happy B~Day Chiefy!
Oh, and please go check out this blog...very sexy and I think this blogger friend has some potential..yum!
And, finally...for my special date tomorrow...dont forget 7:30!


KJ said...

*runs around squealing*


oops it fell out said...

Thanks for the name check Andi!! I will add a post to mine in your honour... hehe

Green Eyes said...

Zayra, bye bye!

Dilana, did really well with that song!

Ryan, hottie!

Chris, still lives in my heart!

erika said...

Thanks for the update! I missed it last night

Mike said...

Andi, you know that I love ya, but:

Zayra – OK, her voice and her singing is annoying. She sounds like Celine Dion getting butt raped, but she is hot. Just look at the reactions from the guys. It was chubsville in there when she hit the stage. She did look like a played out super hero, but I was digging imaging that hot little body…. Um, you get my point. Remember Andi, what happens in TJ, stays in TJ.

Dana...She sounded great. As always she looked great. Nothing too flashy, but she can sing. I can not see her fronting “Narcotics Anonymous” AKA “Super Nova”, but someone will pick her up and she’ll settle down in a trailer park near you.

Forget Nirvana, what is up with everyone trying to be Mick Jagger. Get over it! Stop! That is all I will say.

Jill – Got a raw deal. That is what Gilby calls “grinding”. Axl used to practically HUMP his leg. I think Gilby’s wife must have been watching last night or something. Jill was and is hot. Not the best singer in the group, but she brought it and didn’t deserve that “700 Club” remark. Gilby needs to find his nuts.

Phil, Why are you there? I just asking? You suck.

Josh – “Blind Melon”? Their singer over dosed for a reason. That little bumblebee girl is now a crack whore. That song blows, you blow.

Is it just me or is Tommy on some serious speed? He sat there tweaking all friggin show.

Dilana - Is by far the best over all talent up there. She may lean a bit on the freak side, but she pulled off Cyndi Lauper.

Someone PLEASE save Storm Large. I thought that her frigging eyeballs were going to pop out of her head. There is something seriously wrong with that chick. But the thought of Andi hitting that is a nice place.

The rest of them are just, BLAH. Who picked these people? Last season had talent. The Aussie guy is starting to loose it. I thought he was a contender, but something is up with him lately. The “LIVE” song rocked, and Lukas was great. I still can’t stand him, but he was good.

RobynB said...

Omg... He's so pretty!

I never get to watch Rockstar, so I love your rants... it keeps me in the know.

Run along now and take care of business..*grin*

Big Hugs and losta Kisses!

Speakin' My Mind said...

730? am?

What did I miss?

Snow White said...

I don't watch ROCKSTAR, but I do watch Big Brother, and I LOVE Dr. Will!

Glad to hear you are enjoying the new job!

The Chief said...

Thanks for the birthday mention... sounds like I am missing out on some fantasy time in your head... damn those reality music shows!

A Sexy Story said...

i agree with everything you said, except for Dana, I thought she was great. Jill too, i agree the grinding wasn't needed, but her vocal performance was awesome.

Dilana was amazing as always, ditto for storm.

I also loved lukas' performance, it's gonna be tough to pick the winner.


sxuly yrs said...


I love your rebutals to my post..but come on! Zayra is a skank!! And Jill rubbed on Gilby like it was a brass ass pole!


PS~Hell, you are right..what happens in TJ stays in TJ..