Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tales from the Couch...Andi Style...

Well, I had an overwhelming response from you all and quite a few volunteers for the Tales from the Couch series I am about to embark on. So, I decided to enlist the help from one of my fellow bloggers and therapeutically trained friends to put me on the couch and see how this was quite fascinating actually! I can not wait to begin picking the minds of the few of you who were nice enough to, here we go..enjoy the ride!~

FB~I will be known as fellow blogger since I try hard to keep my anonymity.
Andi~That works for me. Fire away!
FB~Describe your childhood in three words.
Andi~OMG, you got to be fucking kidding me! FB, I thought we weren't going there! Oh well, three words....tragic, loving, and humbling.
FB~LMAO..nice! Alright, tell me about the last time you were disappointed.
Andi~FB, you know...I could slap you! Okay, last disappointment...I brought on myself. I told someone something and they closed the door in my face. It was hurtful and I knew it would happen. I never learn.
FB~Wanna elaborate?
Andi~No. No, thanks.
FB~Why did you name your blog Secrets of a Sexblogger?
Andi~Because I think we all have secrets. I know I have mine. I thought it was appropriate. It made me think that those who read me may be interested in finding out what secrets I have..not everyone has figured them out yet...hell, I haven't myself.
FB~What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Andi~I like sharing my thoughts and feelings. I can do it anonymously. I have made friends here who have given me some good advice. I feel supported and there are little expectations.
FB~What has been your most tragic moment in the blogosphere?
Andi~Finding out that Larry the Farmboy passed away. He had a special place in my heart, and I am sad and miss him.
FB~Has blogging improved your sex life?
Andi~To a point. It has made me aware of things I probably would not of looked at before.
FB~Pleasure or Pain?
Andi~Ah, FB...pleasure is pain babe!
FB~LMAO, you are fucken funny Andi. Alright, so is it true that bloggers hook up?
Andi~I suppose it is. So far...Andi~1 and Infidelity~0!
FB~How do you want to be remembered?
Andi~As some one who really gave a fuck about what happened around them. I do not want to ever be someone who did not pay attention and who did not become outraged by injustice. I want to make this world a better place.
FB~Profound! That must be the USC alumni coming out in you.
Andi~Fuck off..keep going!
FB~Tell us a secret!
Andi~Okay, I am battling a very serious illness right now that only few in the blogosphere know about..and I am kicking its ass! Um, I also have tons of stretch marks!
FB~LMAO...damn! Too much info!
Andi~Hey, that was a shout out for Kj! (the stretch mark part ;)
FB~Proudest moment in the last few months?
Andi~Getting the new job, and being asked to consult on the sniper case!
FB~Last words?
Andi~Absolutely...I love last words! FB, you really sucked at this...and my couch sessions will be much better! Stay tuned friends!


PS~I almost forgot...Happy B~Day Sug~Mama!
And, woo hoo..that cracked out wanna be Jewel chick on ROCKSTAR (jenny) is buh-bye! Now if they can only get rid of that little lame latin chick ears are still pouring blood from her performance two weeks ago! And someone please get her a wardrobe consultant that tin foil dress she had on was horrid!


Jon said...

I am glad you're kicking it's ass.

I just saw an e-mail coming from you. We're simultaniously commenting. I think it means something... like we were meant to be... OK, maybe it's just a coincidense, but that was kind of wierd.

sxuly yrs said...

Hmmmm..there are a few more simultaneous things we could do together Jon!


KJ said...

Ah, thanks for saying you had stretch marks too!!!

Edtime Stories said...

Hey I would love to help with me and fill me in on what you want

Speakin' My Mind said...

Wow, that was interesting...insightful. Wishing yo the best in the ass kicking department!

I love Rockstar, I just can't believe none of those people have sang a Heavy Metal song yet! I mean these songs were good for last year...

Green Eyes said...

Hey! Great post! Good luck Monday, girl, I'll be thinking of you!

I miss Larry, too! Luv you!

And, you are kicking it's ass!!!! Woo Hoo!

Pat said...

Hell of an idea love it.

Jon said...

Hmmm... I am trying to think of what those simultanious things might be. Please provide graphic details :D

Snow White said...

Good luck on Monday, Andi! I know you'll be terrific! And I'm passing on birthday greetings to Sug from here, since her blog seems to have gone missing! xox snow

RobynB said...

How fun!

I didn't know you were ill baby...I'm so glad you're beating it down!

Sending much lovins!

Happy B-day Sug!