Thursday, July 27, 2006

Winding it Down...or Up??

Woo Hoo...such a whirlwind! And now I am about to hit the road..five major cities all over the U.S. my new job rocks! I am finally happy with my career again...yippee! Now maybe I can get back to writing smut and posting naked pics instead of bitching about my life! Anyway, my first stop will be good old KY in, KY do I keep my hair from frizzing in the humidity?

Next item of business...I had a great time with Tales from the Couch, and I am glad you all enjoyed it as well! Thanks to my friend Speakin for being such a good sport and sharing with us all. And of course, thanks for looking so damn sexy on that couch! YUM!!

Has anyone else noticed that the weirdest people give the best compliments? This week I have been getting my soy vanilla latte' in the a.m. at the Starbucks next to my new office. Every morning there is a nice man with a pretty wicked mullet that holds the door for me and checks me out from head to toe..its kind of creepy but he always has a really sexy comment. Today he told me that I take his breath away when I walk by. Yesterday he told me I was a vision of perfection and the day before he told me I was a sexy little minx..alright, all lame but hey I will take what I can. I am starting to think that Mullet Man has game!

So, now moving on to the bald building man...when I have come off the elevator the last few mornings I have to enter a locked door with a key card. This is a pain in my ass because I am normally carrying a brief case, my purse and the latte. But, luckily the bald man that works upstairs has nicely been opening the door and with a smile tells me that I look lovely this morning. Today he actually told me I was the sweetest smelling lady he has ever opened the door for. He is a freak...but again, nice comments and if I were drunk in a bar..they may actually work.

Lastly my friends~it is fucken hot here! Even at 6800 feet in elevation! I mean this is supposed to be the damn mountains..and I am hot as hell at night and it is not because Chris has me sweaty and cumming!

Anyway, I hope you all have a nice Friday!


PS~My 730 date suck!! And to my friend who has put a smile on my face today..thanks so much; you make me swoon!


KJ said...


KENTUCKY in AUGUST!!!?!?!?!?

RobynB said...

I'll have teh good ole KY bourbon waiting!!!

Seriously... when? Where? Who, what, how? Oops, got a lil carried away.

Lemme know details!



Green Eyes said...

I think the KY ladies are excited!

Glad you're first week went well! Compliments are always nice too!

Have a great weekend!

Mistify said...

take them where you can get them (the compliments) I call that magic dust when I go thru a phase where random men seem to want to let me know that they notice me...